Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I keep wondering what's going to happen everyday. And there are times when I don't want to, but my brain refuses to stop. But sometimes I'm capable of ignoring things and that's why I'm still sane. Wait, am I?
Also, I wonder why some people are just plain fucked up although I am one who believes that everything that happens was already planned out by God anyway.
Today, when I came back from school, I found the kitchen-TV facing the floor, helplessly crying for help because it was an innocent victim of some stupid maniac's raging fit.
But I still want a baby turtle because I know it'll make me happy. You know why? Because I'll have someone to talk to everyday about my problems. And I could, like Little Bill who named his hamster 'Elephant', name my baby turtle 'Calculator'. I know exactly what you're thinking -- it's the most adorable-est name ever.
And here's something extremely random, like everything else on this stupid blog; I wrote Basyirahh Taib a memo when we were in the ICT Lab, telling her that I love her. Hehehehehehehehehehe. And I forgot yesterday was the 12th of May so I need to make it up to Nurul Fitri that I almost forgot to wish her a kick-ass birthday. And I still want a baby turtle. Oh wait, I said that.