Tuesday, May 12, 2009
monsters in your head
I just realized, thanks to The 11th Hour, how much we, humans, have destroyed the undoubtedly beautiful Earth and how much we're destroying it as we speak. It's sad, isn't it? It just makes me want to clean my room more often. Wait, that doesn't make sense, does it? Well, you know what else doesn't make sense? They named Ritz crackers Ritz crackers.
On another note, the canteen on the left sells Green Tea now! And I'm in a blank state for the time being because the sky is blue and I know why but I'm not going to tell you because you didn't ask.
PS. I wish I was capable of sorting out all existing problems.
(And with this video, I shall end my post. Yes, I am on a 90's marathon. Hahahahah)